Po třech měsících se Lada a Lutor vrátili zpět do chov. stanice Martinville. Lutor má velice přátelskou a milou povahu, Lada je opravdová princezna. Oba potřebují milující a zodpovědné majitele. * 17.8.2009 (Ch Ambicja Wladca Traw x Ch Lynx Winds from Russia)
kontakt: Martyna Walker, arkadia2003@interia.pl
After 3 months with living in new home LADA and LUTOR Martinville comeback to the kennel. There are looking for a new home. Lutor is a big friendly and good dog. Lada is a really princes. They need to get close contact with the people.
Born 17.08 2009 (AMBICJA Wladca Traw x Lynx Winds from Russia)
contact - arkadia2003@interia.pl
kontakt: Martyna Walker, arkadia2003@interia.pl
After 3 months with living in new home LADA and LUTOR Martinville comeback to the kennel. There are looking for a new home. Lutor is a big friendly and good dog. Lada is a really princes. They need to get close contact with the people.
Born 17.08 2009 (AMBICJA Wladca Traw x Lynx Winds from Russia)
contact - arkadia2003@interia.pl
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